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Lose weight and Olive oil.

A comparative study of the effectiveness of a standard low-fat diet. And a diet containing olive oil in 44 overweight breast cancer survivors showed that. After 8 weeks, those who consumed the diet containing lost more weight than those who consumed the standard low-fat food.

Chocolate, A Popular Beverage.

Chocolate is a food, dessert and drink made from cocoa, which is the fruit of a bitter plant. production is done by grinding cocoa beans in a blender until it becomes powder. Then the cocoa powder is mixed with various ingredients to add flavor and

That is important to your overall health?

That is important to your overall health? Health problems or chronic diseases that are not contagious or can transmitte, the main cause is your body’s degeneration. That affects the immune system and abnormalities in the system that controls cell production. The functioning of organs in

How to benefit from eating garlic?

Allicin in garlic is beneficial to our body. It must be cut, chopped, pounded, or crushed. Garlic should be cut, chopped, pounded, or crushed 5-10 minutes before cooking. This allicin substance will not disappear when heated. Therefore, you will eat it fresh. Or it’s okay

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What foods are high in sodium?

If comparing natural foods together Meats such as beef, pork, and chicken are higher in sodium than foods such as vegetables, fruits, grains, and dried beans. Including fish meat As for processed food or food that has been preserved using various methods They are all