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Category Archives: Beauty and Health & Lifestyle

Symptoms of urticaria.

Urticaria usually occurs suddenly as a raised, red rash that varies in size and shape. It can occur on the face, arms, legs, torso, and other parts of the body. Patients feel very itchy and if they scratch, the rash will become even redder. Urticaria

Benefits of Pepper.

Pepper is a spicy spice that has been a part of Thai cuisine for a long time. It is pounded together with garlic and coriander root to be a basic ingredient in many types of dishes. Used to marinate meat to create a spicy flavor

Lose weight and Olive oil.

A comparative study of the effectiveness of a standard low-fat diet. And a diet containing olive oil in 44 overweight breast cancer survivors showed that. After 8 weeks, those who consumed the diet containing lost more weight than those who consumed the standard low-fat food.

Chocolate, A Popular Beverage.

Chocolate is a food, dessert and drink made from cocoa, which is the fruit of a bitter plant. production is done by grinding cocoa beans in a blender until it becomes powder. Then the cocoa powder is mixed with various ingredients to add flavor and

Does the diet and chronic non-communicable diseases (NCDs) really

Does the diet and chronic non-communicable diseases (NCDs) really almost all begin in your gut? More than 2,000 years have pass since the philosopher Hippocrates said that “All disease starts in the gut because of what you eat,” and consistent with modern research, evidence shows

Common useto assess the initial risk diseases

Common useto assess the initial risk diseases If we speak frankly, these 5 serious diseases Is it a disease that you created yourself without realizing it or is it a behavior that you are accustomed to in your daily life? Due to behaviors or lifestyles

Top 5 diseases You know how to prevent risks in time.

Top 5 diseases You know how to prevent risks in time. Rank 1 Cancer Group diseases cause by abnormal cells in the body’s DNA or genetic material. Or diseases caused by damage to the mitochondria (Mitochondria) is a component within each cell. It serves an

Reasons why your body odor is stronger than normal people.

About body odor We believe that everyone has one. Especially in hot weather like ours, just step out of the bathroom. Sometimes I’m already sweating in the middle of my back. But among body odors, there are further levels. The type that uses deodorant is

How to benefit from eating garlic?

Allicin in garlic is beneficial to our body. It must be cut, chopped, pounded, or crushed. Garlic should be cut, chopped, pounded, or crushed 5-10 minutes before cooking. This allicin substance will not disappear when heated. Therefore, you will eat it fresh. Or it’s okay

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What foods are high in sodium?

If comparing natural foods together Meats such as beef, pork, and chicken are higher in sodium than foods such as vegetables, fruits, grains, and dried beans. Including fish meat As for processed food or food that has been preserved using various methods They are all