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Category Archives: Beauty and Health & Lifestyle

Whey is an excellent source of high quality protein.

Whey is a liquid that separates from milk during cheese production. The protein part is called whey protein. It is a complete, high quality protein that contains all of the essential amino acids. In addition, it is very digestible, absorbed from your gut quickly compared with other

What’s a safe amount of sugar to eat per day?

There’s no simple answer to how much sugar you should eat per day, as this may depend on several factors food. According to the FDA experts in the United States haven’t determined a daily value (DV) for total sugars. In the United Kingdom, the reference

Benefits of Orange Juice.

Orange juice is naturally high in nutrients like vitamin C and potassium. Commercial varieties are often also enriched with calcium and vitamin D. But there’s controversy regarding whether or not it contributes to a healthy diet. Antioxidants promote health by preventing oxidative damage. An imbalance

Dried Fruit: Good or Bad?

Dried fruit can boost your fiber and nutrient intake and supply your body with large amounts of antioxidants. But it’s also a high carb food, containing sugar and many calories and can cause problems if you eat too much. Dried Fruit is Loaded With Micronutrients,

Symptoms of urticaria.

Urticaria usually occurs suddenly as a raised, red rash that varies in size and shape. It can occur on the face, arms, legs, torso, and other parts of the body. Patients feel very itchy and if they scratch, the rash will become even redder. Urticaria

Benefits of Pepper.

Pepper is a spicy spice that has been a part of Thai cuisine for a long time. It is pounded together with garlic and coriander root to be a basic ingredient in many types of dishes. Used to marinate meat to create a spicy flavor

Lose weight and Olive oil.

A comparative study of the effectiveness of a standard low-fat diet. And a diet containing olive oil in 44 overweight breast cancer survivors showed that. After 8 weeks, those who consumed the diet containing lost more weight than those who consumed the standard low-fat food.

Chocolate, A Popular Beverage.

Chocolate is a food, dessert and drink made from cocoa, which is the fruit of a bitter plant. production is done by grinding cocoa beans in a blender until it becomes powder. Then the cocoa powder is mixed with various ingredients to add flavor and

Does the diet and chronic non-communicable diseases (NCDs) really

Does the diet and chronic non-communicable diseases (NCDs) really almost all begin in your gut? More than 2,000 years have pass since the philosopher Hippocrates said that “All disease starts in the gut because of what you eat,” and consistent with modern research, evidence shows

Common useto assess the initial risk diseases

Common useto assess the initial risk diseases If we speak frankly, these 5 serious diseases Is it a disease that you created yourself without realizing it or is it a behavior that you are accustomed to in your daily life? Due to behaviors or lifestyles